Three hard truths about exploring anger and how to stay motivated.

Along this path of exploring anger, sooner or later, we will face hard truths:

  • Anger is here to stay. It will keep pointing out what’s important to us and our unmet needs. 

  • In the short term, we are likely to keep expressing anger in undesired ways. 

  • Exploring anger is a lifelong journey. It’s a fascinating journey that leads to discoveries but it’s also challenging and at times, painful.

These truths are going to be part of the journey ahead.

How can we prepare for it and stay motivated?

We can get started by having a system in place. 

  • Plan – When do you find yourself triggered? 🤔  For example, when you see food waste or when your kids refuse to take a shower. Know your triggers: identify them, prioritize, and choose one trigger to start tackling first. Context matters.

  • Experiment – What strategies can help you expand the time between the trigger and your response? 🧠  For example, breathing deeply, counting to 10, asking for space, and/or saying, “it’s important for me…” Pick one strategy and experiment with it for a week.  

  • Reflect – What worked well and what didn’t?💡 Each day set 5-10 minutes to reflect. If you practiced a strategy that helped you choose your response, celebrate. This is THE fuel. If it didn’t work, reflect on why and what you could try next. Gaining new insights will be rewarding. 

This system will ensure we approach the journey ahead with a Growth Mindset.

When we apply this system to areas that are truly challenging, like exploring anger, we model the essence of lifelong learning.

Becomers weekly challenge. 

Design your trusted system: Plan, Experiment, Reflect. And then, repeat.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”

One trigger, one strategy, one lesson learned at a time. 👣

We got this,

P.S. Join the Becomers community around the world to receive new editions of the newsletter sent to you every Thursday. Sign up here 👉  JOIN  

P.P.S Below are BecomingLab’s first steps on Instagram. For more guidance on your journey, follow the Lab @becoming.lab 

BecomingLab First steps on IG

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2 Responses

  1. Reflecting is probably the most important phase we all tend to forget in the everyday race.. setting up time for this step in my calendar is definitely something I am planning to apply. Thank you for this!

    1. Setting up time for reflection is a great way to establish a system to cultivate growth. I found it effective to think about “what am I willing to let go of”. The idea of establishing a system doesn’t mean adding more commitments to our already packed calendar. It’s about realizing that developing new abilities take resources. In the same way that we would give up on things to prepare for a triathlon 🙂

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