How do you give and receive feedback at home?

A few months ago my daughter told me:

“Mom, sometimes I ask you questions and I just want the answer. I don’t want it to turn into a long conversation.”

I admit that occasionally I can’t help it, I want to leverage what she asks into teachable moments. 🤦‍♀️

However, her feedback taught me that it doesn’t work for her.

Also, it inspired me to become more mindful of the ways I receive, solicit, and give feedback at home. 

Therefore, August at Becoming Lab is dedicated to exploring this topic as parents.

It’s well known that when we hold a growth mindset, we seek feedback as a means to learn and grow. 

In fact, in our professional lives, many of us give and receive feedback regularly and even seek ways to manage feedback sessions better.  But, 

  • how do we think about receiving and giving feedback at home?

  • how often do we seek feedback on our parenting style? 

  • how do we react when our kids (or partners) give us feedback? Do we become defensive and try to explain? Do we become curious? furious? 

I hope you are excited as I am to discover the nuances of giving and receiving feedback at home. 

Let’s start with expanding our awareness.

Becomers' weekly challenge - Feedback at home Awareness

This week, as we start exploring this topic, notice: 

  • how often do you give and receive feedback at home?  

  • what’s the ratio between feedback on things that went well vs. things that didn’t go well?

  • how do you react when you receive feedback? 

Receiving and giving feedback is an essential but delicate topic. 

Explore it with care 💛

Become the change 🙌

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