To cultivate peace at home, know your roadblocks

May at Becoming Lab is dedicated to cultivating peace.✌️ 

This topic is near and dear to my heart, and I want to share with you why.

I was born and raised in Israel.

Like many who grew up in the Middle East, I carry with me the impact of wars and violence.

As a child, I remember asking, “But why violence?”

The answers were, and still are, hard for me to comprehend.

However, I’ve always believed that only education can give people tools for dialogue rather than violence and transform reality for the better. 

While the passion for peace and education was alive within me, I didn’t always know how it would come to life. 

But parenthood, especially the challenges and conflicts it brought, revealed that the beliefs I had around peace prevented me to cultivate it as I always aspired.

For example, I realized that peace is not only created by external factors – by leaders, our kids, or change in conditions. 

Peace is also a state we create within ourselves. 

Finding and cultivating peace takes effort.

It starts by exploring and transforming beliefs that limit our views such as :  

  • only when my kids behave in certain ways I can experience peace and harmony.
  • peace should come naturally.
  • peace is quiet.

The path to peace is painful before it’s peaceful.

It feels disorienting before it feels purposeful. 

It might feel scary and lonely before it feels safe and connected.

This is the reality of the journey to cultivate peace. 

And it’s on us to lead it, create it, and model it, so we can create a safe environment in which we and our kids can thrive. 

Becomers weekly challenge

Reflect and explore your peace mindset –

  • What does it mean for you to feel peace at home? 
  • What expectations do you have from yourself and your kids around peace?
  • How do you experience conflicts? What are your thoughts, feelings, and actions? 
  • What strategies have you used to cultivate peace within?
  • What brings you peace and what will allow you to create and experience it more?  


“In every interaction, every conversation, and in every thought, you have a choice – to promote peace or perpetuate violence.” 

The peaceful parent you want to be is MADE, not born. 


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In this series, we will explore beliefs, expectations, and strategies to cultivate peace at home and beyond. It takes a village to promote peace 🙌

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