Happy 2023!
I believe we have a shared vision – to create a better world for our kids and for generations to come.
We also have a shared guiding principle – to educate by example.
Educating by example means that we focus our learning efforts on becoming the role models we want to be at home and beyond.
I want to take this opportunity to clarify what being a role model who has the vision to create a better world for our kids and others means.
Early on my parenting journey I used to think that role modeling in parenting is about doing or saying the “right” thing.
However, role modeling is deeper and richer than that.
Often times when the “right” thing we want to say is not aligned with our inner experience, our kids sense that.
Whether we would like it or not, we teach not only by actions and words. We also radiate our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, attitudes, judgments, spirit, and state of mind.
The essence of becoming the role models we want, while holding the vision of creating a better world, is about getting to know ourselves. When we know ourselves better, we can choose what we want to pass on, lead with integrity, and model how to change things for the better.
It’s not about perfection. It’s about participating in the creation of that world and allowing ourselves to discover, evolve, and lead with an open heart.
When we learn how to change our inner world for the better and align it with the vision and values we have, we can better support our kids in their own unique journey.
We are showing them what it means to be learners and how learning from the heart can guide their way to make the change they want in the world and to create a healthy, meaningful, and joyful life. ✨
Becomers’ weekly challenge
January at Becoming Lab will be dedicated to cultivating clarity. Let’s re-evaluate the definition we have for role modeling in the context of parenting.
Reflect – how do you think about role modeling?
Peace and light,